Things to know about dental implants, Dental Implant Info

Things to know about dental implants, Dental Implant Info

Dental Implants Information:

Having bridges and braces in your teeth is not an easy thing to deal with. The uneasiness and discomfort they provide is a minor thing. People tend to judge the ones who are having these bridges. Kids even get bullied at schools for having these bridges. People tend to avoid them due to these factors. They don’t appeal well and change your appearance as well. So, to make sure that people don’t lose their teeth in trying to look good, teeth implants were invented. If you are having trouble with any of your teeth or you have got a broken tooth, you a get a new one via this implant. The implant not only is durable and pain-free. It is appealing as well.

What is a dental implant?

A Dental implant is a surgical tool that is used to connect the bridges or crown to the bone of the jaw or skull. It is a metal frame that holds and supports the bone and gums. Osseo-integration allows the titanium in the implants to form intimate bones to bones. This is done first. Later a prosthetic is added that is either movable of fixed. A person can remove it whenever he wants.

Things to know about dental implants, Dental Implant Info

Techniques and general considerations

While planning a dental implant, we have to consider the overall health of the patient. It is necessary to consider his oral hygiene mainly. If he has a fractured tooth, it is best that the dentist first takes care of it. The patients of diabetes and heavy smoking are also not recommended to have a tooth implant since they are unable to heal properly.

Patients are also put on drugs that boost up the speed of bone healing such as Bisphosphonates and anti-RANKL drugs. It is essential to watch bone growth very closely and make sure that they don’t turn over, causing a threat to the patient’s life.

  • Techniques include placement of the implant into the cavity

  • The tooth is extracted and the timing of the implant is noted

  • Healing time is between three to six months

  • The hard and soft tissue reconstruction is done after that

After this, the recovery phase of the implant starts. The maintenance and stability are the essential features that you have to provide in order to get maximum healing.

Dental implant failure

The failure in dental implants occurs due to the disintegration of the implant between the 8 and 24 weeks. The inflammation, infection, and swelling can also lead to the failure of dental implants. A successful implant causes no pain, irritation, swelling whatsoever.

Signs of dental implant failure

  • Loosening of the implant is the first indication that the implant has been failed. The patient will feel the loosening effect easily. One loosened, it will start to cause pain and discomfort.

  • Swelling of the gums is also an indication of the tooth implant failure. The swelling is either due to sensitivity, infection or any other causes. But it surely causes much pain and irritation.

  • Pain and discomfort are also associated with failure. If the healing is not done properly or you have eaten something that could have damaged your implant, you are in some serious trouble altogether.

Avoiding the risks of dental implant failure

Most failures occur due to inflammation and infection that loosen the teeth and implants leading to pain and discomfort. Being a smoker, alcoholic and a diabetic patient will also refrain you from having a dental implant. You have to make sure that your jaws are strong enough to hold the implant or not. Choose a highly qualified dentist to do your implant. Don’t go to an amateur or a quack. Make sure that the tools that he used are sterilized and clean. Get a 3D X-RAY and a CT SCAN of your implant in order to make sure that it is working well.  Oral care is must if you want to make sure that your dental implant is a success.

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