Millions of adults in the US have gum disease - from gingivitis to a more severe form of gum disease called periodontitis. It is estimated that over 45% of people over the age of 30 in the USA, have some sort of gum disease. Gum disease can happen for children and young adults as well. We will be Periodontitis Blogging and discussing severe gum disease in this Perio Dentist Blog. Periodontal disease can not only affect your teeth, but one's overall health.
Common Periodontal Problems Discussion & Ask Perio Question Online:
Periodontal disease is termed commonly as gum disease. The word periodontal is defined as the structures that surround the teeth - which is the gum, alveolar dental bone, and the structures in the dental socket that the tooth sites in. As we will mention, the structures that support the teeth help maintain the teeth. Bad gums or gum disease can cause problems with the teeth. We welcome people posting an online periodontal question or gum disease treatment question with us at Just Dental.
Periodontitis Chatting, Perio Treatment Chat, Local Periodontist Blog, Online Periodontitis Discussion:
Periodontitis is severe gum disease. A simplified explanation of periodontal gum disease is the accumulation of bacteria, that then turns into plaque and then calcified plaque. People that do not take care of their teeth and maintain good oral hygiene will usually get this. One of the most common reasons why adults lose their teeth is due to severe gum disease. In this online periodontitis blog, we will discuss various periodontal diseases & dental gum disease treatment options. We answer local perio questions online at Just Dental. Our goal is to provide good dental information and provide interesting dental care periodontal treatment blog.
One of the most common reasons adults lose their teeth is from Periodontitis disease. In this Just Dental article, we will be discussing severe gum problems (Periodontitis) and periodontist treatment options.
Periodontitis is a severe gum infection that attacks the soft tissues and damages the oral jaw bone that gives support to teeth & maintains a healthy gum/bone structure. If this type of perio-disease is not properly handled or taken care of, it may lead to loss of the tooth or the teeth may become loose (teeth mobility). It is the most common gum disease but it is curable. It can result from poor oral hygiene or personal hygiene to the teeth, as well as from medical conditions.
Taking care of the teeth by brushing twice a day, flossing, and also seeing the dentist for checkups regularly can improve the chances of treating periodontitis and even prevent developing it.
Identifying healthy gums on a patient is fairly simple - generally, the gums look pale pink, be fairly firm and tightly fit snuggly around the teeth. Generally, see little to no plaque build up in the mouth.
Periodontitis can be easily identified by dentists as well Dentists or periodontists will usually see large pockets, gum inflammation and various periodontitis symptoms.
First and foremost, dentists look to see if the patients gums have inflammation around them, and ask the patient if the gums bleed easily when brushing or flossing.
Bright red, dusky red or purplish gums
Bad breath
Painful chewing
Swollen or puffy gums
Gums that bleed easily
Gums that feel tender when touched
Look for new spaces developing between your teeth.
A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
Gums that pull away from your teeth (recede), making your teeth look longer than normal
Pus between your teeth and gums
Loose teeth
If a patient has loose teeth in their mouth, most likely it is from periodontal disease. We get asked many local loose teeth questions online. People with severe periodontal disease can start to experience loose or mobile teeth. If have loose teeth, most likely due to periodontal disease, with the exception being when getting braces or orthodontic treatment - when the orthodontist is actually trying to move teeth. Other than that, if teeth are mobile and wobbly inside the mouth - then most likely that is from periodontitis. These patients should see a dentist or periodontist get their teeth checked. A common loose tooth question is - my tooth feels loose, how can I stop this. If the loose tooth is due to gum disease, your dentist may recommend gum treatment & possibly some kind of splint to stabilize the tooth.
Perio Treatment Information / Types of Common Periodontal Treatment:
There is non-surgical periodontal treatment and surgical periodontal treatment. Non-surgical usually means root planing and scaling. Which is a deeper dental cleaning that goes under the gum, to scale and remove calculus & plaque under the gums. Surgical periodontal treatment includes getting pocket reduction perio surgery, dental crown lengthening, mucogingival flap surgery, frenectomy, and various other gum flap surgery procedures.
There are different categories of periodontitis. The most occurring type of periodontitis is a category which is usually termed as Chronic Periodontitis - this is the most occurring type of periodontal disease or perio illness. It is primarily or usually found in adults, though that does not mean children are not affected. That is, it can occur in youngsters as well. This type is usually caused by overtime buildup of infections. Chronic Periodontitis usually occurs slowly and generally will over time get worse. This type of perio disease causes severe damage to the gum, teeth, and bone of the mouth - which may cause of bone loss and loss of teeth, if not treated.
Another type of perio disease is Aggressive Periodontitis, which usually begins in childhood or early adulthood. This type of period disease usually affects a smaller number of people. It tends to affect families and causes rapid progression of bone and tooth loss if untreated.
Necrotizing periodontal disease is usually featured with the death of the gum tissues, supporting bone, and the tooth ligament. Necrotizing periodontal disease usually happens because there is no supply of blood to all these parts of the mouth. This is usually found in people with immune system conditions, such as being immunosuppressed with ailments that may include HIV patients, cancer patients, and various other conditions.
A gum disease question we get asked frequently is, when should I see a dentist or periodontist if have gum disease? Very simple - as soon as can. The earlier you treat gum disease, usually the better it is. Gum disease can become gradually worse overtime. The earlier you take care of your teeth > the better the chance of success or at least reducing the speed of illness & taking care of any disease. At an early stage, can better try to prevent damage and reverting the damages done by periodontitis. The longer Periodontitis has been around in the mouth, the more damage to the jaw bone and teeth it has probably caused.
Many people want to know, why are they having periodontal problems? A common online periodontal disease question is can I just treat my periodontal disease at home, without seeing a dentist? No, need to see a dentist or periodontist. Severe gum disease or periodontist has usually resulted in dental bone loss - that does not just grow back by itself. The first sign you will notice from periodontitis is plaque build-up. Plaque generally starts with a sticky film which is made of bacteria and food that one eats. If good home dental care / good oral hygiene and attention is not given to it, the plaque can build up fairly rapidly.
The plaque starts to build when the bacteria in the mouth form a reaction with sugar and starches in your mouth. This can be avoided by making sure you brush your teeth at least twice in a day and flossing once a day. This can help to remove plaque, though they can reform quickly.
If plaque is allowed to stay in the mouth and not cleaned, then this plaque can calcify and become what is called calculus. The most difficult to remove is the one found under the tartar. So it means the liner you have the plague on your teeth the more destruction it will affect your teeth. This tartar can be removed by flossing and brushing your teeth regularly. To get rid of this, you need to see a dentist to do prophy (cleaning) and if have a lot of plaque build-up under the gums, will need to do a scaling and root planing.
Gingivitis can be caused by plaque which is the mildest stage of periodontal diseases. When have inflammation and irritation around the gums of teeth or base of the teeth (gingiva), then this inflammation is generally referred to as Gingivitis. These diseases can be retracted using professional treatment from the dentist and good oral care and hygiene.
Let us know more in detail about the gum inflammation that occurs with periodontal disease. Frequent gum inflammation can also lead to periodontitis, which will eventually start causing large pockets to develop between your gums and teeth that fill with plaque, tartar, and bacteria. That is why your dentist or hygienist checks your gum pockets with a probe to measure the area and keep track of what is going on in your mouth. In time, these pockets become deeper, filling with more bacteria. If not treated, these deep infections cause a loss of tissue and bone, and ultimately you may lose one or more teeth. Also, ongoing chronic inflammation can put a strain on your immune system.
Yes, Periodontitis can lead to poor overall health, if not treated and kept under control. Periodontitis can lead to decay and loss of teeth, as well as bone loss in the jaw. Research has demonstrated that bacteria that cause Periodontitis can gain entrance into your bloodstream through gum tissues in the mouth, which may affect your lungs, and your heart functionality. Hence, perio disease is not good for your overall health. Also, Periodontitis is associated with a respiratory disorder, coronary artery diseases/stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, and other medical problems. Hence, a good idea to treat periodontal diseases as soon as possible.
Having good oral hygiene is a great way of trying to avoid Periodontitis or period problems. Treating Periodontitis is not easy, it is best to maintain good oral health care regimens, to try to avoid gum problems. Going and seeing a dentist for a prophy / dental exam usually once every 6 months is a great way of trying to avoid bad gum problems.
Oral Dental Care Questions Online - Good Oral Hygiene Blog / Oral Hygiene Recommendations:
Brushing and flossing daily - as well as getting proper dental care at a dental office. A common oral dental care question we get asked, is how long should I brush my teeth? Proper tooth brushing is highly recommended. It is generally recommended to brush your teeth twice a day for approximately 2 minutes if needed - generally, a good idea to brush your teeth in the morning and before going to bed. You should also try to floss at least once in a day or possibly more if have deep gum pockets. It is generally advisable to floss Before you brush because this helps to loosen food particles from your oral cavity.
Periodontal Teledentistry Consultation - Local Teledentist Perio Question:
Using virtual medicine or telemedicine care is growing in health care. For teledentistry, people can now use local virtual periodontal treatment consulting online or perio teledentistry question ask dentists. People can use online teledental periodontist consultation to get online gum care information.
Visit the dentist / dental office - As we mentioned earlier in this article, get a dental prophy and dental checkup of your teeth and mouth, usually twice a year. Your dentist or dental hygienist will not only do a prophy (dental cleaning), but will also do probing of your gums. This probing of gums is to see or check the overall health of your mouth. Deep pockets are generally not a good sign while having within normal limit gum pockets is a good sign that your teeth are healthy. Also, dental X-rays may or may not be needed. This is another tool that dentists use to check for healthy gums and make sure do not have major gum disease. Here is an interesting dental article on Just Dental - Local Dental Implants Chat and Online Dental Implant Placement Information
Severe gum disease called periodontitis is important to understand and treat. Periodontal Dentist Chat online about periodontitis. We are looking to provide great periodontal care information with us. Blogging about Oral Care, Discussing Oral Hygiene, Online Periodontal Treatment Chat with us, and Perio Disease Chatting online - as well as discussing various other dental topics at Just Dental. We welcome people asking us Dental Questions at Just Dental. We are @ Just Dental networking with dental health care professionals. We get asked man local periodontal questions online. We get asked many local gum pocket problem questions and local dental crown lengthening questions online.
Dental Crown Lengthening Question Blog:
Many people who are getting dental crowns are told by their dentist, that they need to have a dental crown lengthening procedure done. We get asked an online dental crown lengthening question often - mostly, do I need to get dental crown lengthening in order to get a crown? Dental crown lengthening is done if the gums are too high and there needs to be more space for your dentist to take a good dental impression - in order to make you a good dental crown. Basically, it is reducing or cutting back some of the crowns - this can be done surgically or sometimes with a gum laser.
Online Laser Gum Surgery Information Questions:
We get asked many times about laser gum treatment questions online, with the most common gum laser question being - what is gum laser treatment? Laser gum therapy is usually done to remove inflamed gum tissue. Usually, it is fairly painless. Dental lasers for gum disease have been used since the 1990s. In recent years, dental laser gum treatment has expanded and improved greatly. Now, it is starting to be used for hard tissue treatment as well.
Summary: Local periodontal information online, perio teledentistry question answers and online periodontitis questions info with us.
We discussed local periodontal information online in this local periodontal chat article. We discussed the importance of seeing a local dentist or periodontist, as soon as can if have gum disease. The sooner get dental periodontal treatment, such as scaling and root planing - the sooner can remove the plaque and calculus in your mouth, the better your gums will be. We discussed that people can use local periodontist teledental consultation online now, to gain more perio info online.